English – Circumcision – child right of self-determination 2004

I. Definition and distribution
1) Definition
2) Figures and geographical distribution
II. Religious debate
1) Debate among the Jews
A) The Bible
B) Recent debate
2) Debate among the Christians
A) The New Testament
B) Recent debate
3) Debate among the Moslems
A) The Koran and the Sunnah
B) Recent debate around male circumcision
C) Recent debate around female circumcision
III. Medical debate
1) Harmful effects of male and female circumcision
2) Sexual consequences of male and female circumcision
3) Pseudo-health benefits of male and female circumcision
A) Cleanliness
B) Masturbation
C) Prevention of venereal disease
D) Penile and cervical cancer
E) Phimosis and paraphimosis
F) Urinary tract infection
IV. Human rights debate
1) Legislature’s silence concerning male circumcision
2) Male and female circumcisions and non-discrimination
3) Circumcision and religious and cultural rights
A) Pretensions of communities
B) Priority of individual fundamental rights
4) Circumcision and the right to physical integrity and life
5) Circumcision, degrading treatment and torture
6) Circumcision and the right to modesty
7) Circumcision and respect of the dead
V. Medical dispension
1) Medical necessity
A) Prevention and care
B) Right to discipline
C) Circumcision as an aesthetic operation
2) Informed consent of the patient or his representative
A) Informed consent
B) Consent before the operation
C) Consent of the patient or his representative
3) Authorization to exercise medicine respecting medical norms
A) The principle
B) Application of the principle in Israel and in West
C) Application of the principle in Egypt

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