English – Figurative art in the three monotheistic religions 2007

Introduction 2
Chapiter I. Jewish norms 4
1) Historic precedent 4
2) Sources of Jewish norms 5
3) The Bible and figurative art 6
4) Mishnah, Talmud and figurative art 10
5) Interdiction between rigorists and liberals 12
6) Is there a modern Jewish art? 15
7) Maimonides, victim of his writings 16
Chapter II. Christian norms 18
1) Sources of Christian norms 18
2) Figurative art in the New Testament 18
3) Positions and practices of the first centuries 19
4) Byzantian iconoclasm (725-843) 22
5) Rehabilitation of art in Nicea II 23
6) Reform and figurative art 24
7) Sollicitudini Nostrae of Benedict XIV (1745) 26
8) Second Vatican Council and Code of Canon law 27
Chapter III. Islamic norms 29
1) Sources of Islamic norms 29
2) Koran and figurative art 29
3) Sunnah and the figurative art 30
4) Interpretation of the Koran and the Sunnah 33
5) Islamic figurative art today 42
6) Modern inventions: Photographs, movies, television and theatre 49
7) Extreme position of the Saudi scholars 58
Conclusion: Hibernation and wakening of the religious norms 61

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