English – Licit and illicit sexuality in Islamic law 2003

I. General notions of the Islamic law
A) Sources of the Islamic law
B) Islamic criminal Law
II. Licit sexual intercourse in Islamic law
1) Privileges of men
A) Four women and unlimited number of slaves
a) Privileges of prophets
b) Privileges of the Muslim man
B) Temporary Marriage
C) Marriages with minors
D) Right of the husband to force his wife to have sexual intercourses
E) Excision of women to tame them
2) Revenge of women
A) Sleepy Child
B) Sex with geniuses
3) In the Heaven as on the Earth: the sex in Paradise
III. Illicit sexual intercourse in Islamic law
1) Illicit sexual intercourse between spouses
A) Sexual intercourse during menstruation
B) Anal coitus between the spouses
2) Adultery and false accusation of adultery
3) Anal coitus between unmarried man and woman
4) Homosexual reports
A) Homosexuality in the Koran
B) Homosexuality in the Sunnah
C) Sanction of homosexuality
D) Homosexuality and social reality
5) Sexual relation with a dead person
6) Sexual relation with animals
7) Masturbation
IV. Perspectives of future
1) Return to the Islamic criminal norms
2) Preventive social measures
3) Return to the slavery

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