Les Coranistes soutiennent le vote suisse contre les minarets

Le mouvement coraniste (Ahl al-Qur’an) a pris position en faveur du vote suisse contre les minarets. Ce mouvement est composé d’intellectuels réformateurs musulmans dont fait partie Gamal Al-Banna, frère cadet de Hassan Al-Banna et oncle du contesté Tariq Ramadan. Nous publions ci-après le communiqué de presse de ce mouvement pour que nos “islamistes de service” et autres idiots utiles puissent le méditer.

American Quranists stand on the Swiss vote Issue


We would like to affirm our profound belief that there are by far, more common grounds between Islamic principles, for human rights, for freedom of choice, for freedom of religion, for freedom of expression and for freedom of thought on the one hand; and what is being practiced in the West of the afore mentioned values, on the other.

The Swiss vote was arrived at through democratic means.

If it were to be rescinded, then it should be done through democratic means.

We vehemently oppose and denounce attempts by extremists and mutually interdependent Tyrants and Religious Scholars of Oppressive Un-Elected Authorities, meddling in this internal Swiss electoral decision.

We would rather see them expend their energies and resources on rectifying the abysmal condition of Muslims under the yoke of Oppressors, Tyrants, various types of Dictatorships and corrupt Regimes.

We strongly believe that this matter is better left for level-headed Muslims and Non-Muslims within Switzerland to deal with and come to terms to.

Any outside interference will amount to nothing more than adding fuel to the fire.

Those regimes are in no position to object to the outcome of that Swiss electoral process. Leave it to the sages within.

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